Tanmay Verma


Hi, I am a developer who likes to design and build applications. I am skilled in fundamental technologies and acquainted with most of the modern and in-trend technologies. Let us work together. Thank you.

Let's Begin

Work Experience

Software Engineering Intern

Peoplebox (March 2021-September 2021)

My Projects

Anime Impact

Anime Impact

It's an anime and manga cataloging react application. It uses data fetched from Jikan API and The Anime chan API

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Intergalactic Lifeform Database

It's a react app which show the data from an API in card format and it has debounce search instead of traditional search

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Data Structure Visualization

Visual representation of sorting algorithms

TCP img

Two-way server socket connection

Two way communication using server socket

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Account management system

Account management application using 3 tier architecture of Data layer, Business layer and Presentation layer

Confusion img

Restaurant Confusion

A Restaurant website made using React and its different modules

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It is a web scraper made with Node.js and its puppeteer node module

My Profile

Name Tanmay Verma

Birthday November 8, 1997

EducationB.E. in Computer Science (2016-2020)

Phone +91-9993946271 | +91-8818817999

Email vermatanmay@hotmail.com



Data Structures






Java Script


MySQL/Mongo DB/Java DB

Connect with me

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